An Open Letter to Cherry Hill Seminary

Finding the Path

Hi CHS. Celestine here. You probably don’t know me; well, maybe you do, after the past couple of days. I haven’t exactly been silent.

For the record, I am addressing the individuals in charge over there at Cherry Hill Seminary. I know some of your names, and I don’t know others. Just know that when I say “Cherry Hill Seminary” or “CHS” I am not referring to an institution as an individual, but to the individual people who make up the governing body of the institution.

That said:

Oh, Cherry Hill Seminary. You have some explaining to do.

And you’re not doing it, not even attempting to do it from what I can see, and that’s a problem.

There is no excuse for protecting transphobic individuals, or their rhetoric. Hate speech does not fall under the purview of “freedom of academics.” I could–in fact, I almost did–go on a rant…

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Consent & Boundaries in the Godspouse Community

Very well said!

Foxglove & Firmitas

Over the last few years in discussions with individuals and smaller groups of godspouses, I’ve noticed the repetition of the more experienced and public godspouses* stepping away from larger groups or backing away from being public about the nature of their relationships.  If you talk to the people stepping back, a lot of times that is due to the fact that they tend to deal with a lot of overshare from others.  I am perhaps lucky, because I’m over here working with a completely different type of situation and for the most part the larger Apollonian community in the past has been very, very good about leaving out the more private details of marital relations.  There was a generally agreed-upon rule that it wasn’t a topic to be discussed in forums or groups, and it was a close knit community specifically because that trust was there.  We weren’t going to talk about sex…

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On War Deities: Athena and the Morrigan

Interesting thoughts here about the Morrigan and Athena.

Finding the Path

I’ve been thinking a great deal about deities and their domains, or designations, or whatever you’d like to call them. Part of this was because I worked out a fictional set of religions for my NaNo novel back in November, and I’m still working out what it means for each deity to rule over what they do. I have four deities total, deities of Life, Death, Beauty, and War. Except, those aren’t really all those deities are, or all they mean.

The goddess of Death is also the goddess of mystery, the sea, and inevitability. The goddess of Beauty is also the goddess of compassion, art, and love. The god of War is also the god of protection, justice, and law.

The god of Life gives me the most trouble. He is also the god of the sun, of fire, and of prophecy. I think the association of Life with…

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